Meet the Experts
Date : Wednesday, 04 October 2023
Start Time : 10:50
End Time : 12:50
Location : Main Hall
Firooz Alireza

Panel Members
Dowlati Yahya Danesh Pazhouh Maryam Firooz Alireza

10:50 | Alopecia areata: What is known and what is still unknown about it?
Majid Imran
11:00 | Psychopharmacology in the hands of dermatologists
Szepietowski Jacek
11:30 | Complications of periorbital filler injection
Sarin Ankur
11:50 | Isotretinoin: The right choice in the treatment of acne
Nedic Zoran
12:10 | Uncommon presentations of common skin diseases
Rahman Hasibur
12:30 | Role of C02 laser in treatment of melasma
Verma Kaushal